23 August 2010

Back to the polls!

Monday August 23 2010

Family First Ex-Leader Ex-Senator Steve Fielding has today called for the election to be re-held.
“Clearly the people of Australia have been brainwashed into thinking they don’t want a government,” Ex-Senator Fielding declared today. “The fact that Family First again received 0.002% of the vote this time around, when last time that was enough to give us a voice in the Senate, but this time we won no seats, means that the system has a screw loose.”
Ex-Senator Fielding will use his remaining time in the Senate to push for a re-vote, so that Australians will have the chance to better express their desire for a Family First member in the parliament.
“It seems to me, that by not choosing anyone to be Prime Minister, Australians are actually saying they want a Family First Senator in the top job. Leadership, original ideas, a pretty good idea of how people think and saneness are basically the qualities that are needed, and I have them in spades,” the Ex-Senator pledged.
“Only Family Fist can provide the stability, reliability and fearless leadership necessary to stop the boats, stop the rot, stop the seas rising, stop the spam, stop the lies, stop the whingers, stop the rhetoric and stop the empty promises that Australians so desperately need.”
“With the support of ordinary Australians, a Family Fist government will be able to rise through the tattered ashes of this dud election and take its rightful place - with sleeves rolled up at the sink of government, doing the dishes of policy reform and scrubbing the grease of Labor rot and Liberal lies.”

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